If in fact, companies adopt a hybrid model of some live and some zoom learning sessions, then leaders need to consider the quality of what is leaving their board/meeting rooms. I delivered an international keynote to a company executive of 20 people sitting in one room. The sound quality coming out of their venue was so poor it makes the interactivity limited and increasingly difficult for the presenter, which has an affect on the delivery, rapport, take aways and ultimately, the success of the session. If companies don't get the result they automatically blame zoom. Not enough thought is being put into the sound and visual quality at the company end. It's incumbent upon the presenter no matter who they are, to have their own tech sorted, but companies increasingly need to take more responsibility for designing their boardrooms or meeting rooms into quality studios to deliver the highest quality of digital interactivity. Conference rooms should be equipped with high-quality video cameras, mics, and speakers to provide a seamless tech experience to those participating in and out of the office. This will increase the level of value, productivity and efficiency by eliminating technical issues; they will also enhance the quality of experience for the attendees, making them still feel more included, less distracted... even when working or learning remotely.