Many people roll into the New Year without much thought as to what they will do to make the following year better, more enjoyable, more successful, happier, and most importantly, more fulfilling. Sure, some will make promises to themselves, only to find that by the end of the first quarter, they are back in a rut, feeling burnt out, struggling to keep up and wondering, "who stole my mojo?"
There will, however, be the few who set their vision, form concrete plans, set higher standards, and understand what it takes to have a cracking year and lead a life of intention. For the first time in a few years, I am taking on recruits to the Mojo MBA Program. We will work together for the year ahead to ensure you create the year you deserve. If you want an authentic, caring, brutally honest advisor who will challenge you, hold you accountable, enrich your learnings, open your mind and bring new ideas to the table, then this might be the opportunity you’re looking for in 2019. We will cover everything from creativity and idea generation, rituals and routines of world-class performers, creating your business strategy and brand, wellness, the legacy you will leave, and your life plans. I will keep notes of what we discuss, what will happen next, and things to consider for the next catch up. I will send you the latest new thinking and ideas that I come across. Places are limited as I want to be able to dedicate time to anyone I work with, so if you’re interested, don’t wait too long to put your hand up! The Mojo MBA won’t suit everyone as I've designed it explicitly for those who want to make things happen. So if it sounds good, let’s get after it and make 2019 a cracking year for you and your family! Your future is in your hands. For details of the program, how it runs, what it costs and how to sign up, email Justina today at [email protected]. © GB
Do we buy into our company values? Do we genuinely believe in our company purpose? Do we even believe in our dreams and aspirations? Peter said to me that a mentor once posed this challenge to him, "you’ve got to convince me you are convinced." This is such a profound piece to use with any leader to ensure that their values, purpose, dreams, aspirations or simply what they believe is real. Convince me that you are convinced. When you have to put forward a proposition and convince someone with conviction, it means you have to embody and believe what you’re saying at the core of your soul. It’s rare to find someone who can with conviction convince you they believe in something. It happens, but as a leader, it needs conscious thought, focus, repetition, consistency, and a desire to see it happen. It starts from within. So convince someone... © GB