In ancient times, library entrances said "healing place of the soul" and "medicine for the mind”. Just the ritual of going to the library says to yourself books and learning are important. There is something special about walking into the quiet of a library a place filled with the most incredible knowledge from the greatest minds the world has ever seen… wall to wall knowledge and its FREE! Even the act of going to the library and just slowing down and thinking, journalling, browsing, wondering for even just 20 minutes supports wellbeing in itself… just that act… and it is all FREE!
How do you express your creativity away from work… or in fact at work? Like any muscle your creativity must be worked in order to improve. The more you put stress on a muscle, it then repairs and becomes better, stronger, more productive. Creativity is no different. The question is where in your day or your week are you expressing your creativity? Working your creative muscle? For many their day is a blur of meetings, messages, posts, quick glances, distraction, and email. I find during interviews with those who are the highest performers, those making the biggest difference, they have a non-negotiable part of their day when they become a maker not a doer. A creator not a responder. An innovator not an imitator. It’s worth doing an audit of your day tonight to work out where tomorrow are you able to express your creativity.
The Mojo Sessions is my new interview series that you can find on all your favourite podcast platforms. The Mojo Sessions are interesting conversations with the most interesting people, free from the waffle, sponsors and advertising that clutters a great conversation. It’s a more intimate profound conversation that draws out the true story, the interesting lessons and the most valuable takeaways. My first two guests are locked, loaded, recorded and ready for you to check out on Apple Podcasts.To hear the sessions follow the link:
Increase the flow of blood to your brain and you increase the function - your ability to have good ideas, to problem solve, to find another way… do that, and you win. After all, your success in business is based on your ability to creatively problem solve for your customers or clients. Provide a different, better or more valuable solution than your competitors, then you win the work. So when it comes down to it, when you have better ideas for your customers, you win. To do that you need better thinking and problem solving. To do that you need better blood flow to your brain. To do that you need to stimulate your brain through learning, reading, observing, great conversations, journalling, deep work…. Increase the flow, increase the function. Right now, if the Espresso makes you think, or ponder even for a moment, you are increasing the flow, and thus increasing the function of your creative mind.